
价格百科 5个月前

  • 目录
  • 2.1cephadm介绍
  • 2.2 相关概念介绍
  • 2.3放置规范介绍
  • 3.1部署环境要求
  • 3.2 本次实验环境
  • 5.1下载cephadm脚本
  • 5.2引导单群集Ceph安装
  • 5.3 添加主机
  • 5.4 添加OSD
  • 5.5 查看Ceph部署服务
  • 5.6 部署RGW
  • 5.7 部署Cephfs
  • 5.8 部署NFS
  • 5.9 部署iSCSi
  • 5.10 添加rbd-mirror
  • 5.11 部署Cephfs-mirror
  • 5.12 添加ingress


在一年前的写的文章中我提到了cephadm安装工具,那会刚出来有不少功能还无法安装,经过一年的时间的等待,一个月前发再ceph 16版本基本功能都差不多了,就开始了cephadm的研究,但因为是想写一个比较全面的文章,不像现有网上的文章只有基本的一些功能,所以在研究iscsi和ingress安装的时候遇到了些问题,安装过数十次也未解决,在前段时候ceph出了最新的ceph 16.2.5版本,终于所有功能都正常了,才有了本篇文章。




Cephadm 是随着 Ceph 新版本 v15.2.0(Octopus)发布的安装工具,并且不支持 Ceph的旧版本,Ceph中已经Cephadm 不依赖于外部配置工具,如 Ansible、 Rook 和 Salt,它通过 SSH 将管理器守护进程连接到主机来实现这一点。管理器守护进程可以添加、删除和更新 Ceph 容器。

Redhat Ceph 5和SUSE Ceph 7的最新版本中也已经使用了Cephadm,所以Cephadm是Ceph的安装工具的未来,并且现在Cephadm也差不多已经成熟可用了,像NFS iSCSI服务官方也宣称已经稳定可用,未来也会加入CIFS等服务,其他功能也在不停地完善中,所以是时候系统的学习下Cephadm了。

通过下图可以看出ceph新版本中的部署架构,通过一个编排接口,可以向下对接rook和cephadm两种编排工具,向上通过命令行"ceph orch"或ceph dashboard实现编排。



cephadm绘图-第 4 页



  • ⚪ = not yet implemented
  • ❌ = not applicable
  • ✔ = implemented

Cepdm 管理 Ceph 集群的整个生命周期。这个生命周期从引导过程开始,当 cephdm 在单个节点上创建一个单节点的 Ceph 集群时。这个集群由一个MON和一个MGR组成。

在创建了单节点的Ceph集群后,Cephadm 然后会使用编排接口(“ day 2”命令)扩展集群,添加相应主机并部署相应的 Ceph 守护进程(daemons )和服务( services)。这个动作可以通过 Ceph 命令行界面(CLI)或者通过仪表板(GUI)来执行。


32.2 相关概念介绍

上文中提到了两个名词servicet和daemon,这两个概念在cephadm中很重要,会贯穿整个ceph的生命周期的管理中。在之前的ceph-deploy中没有这个概念,当我们要部署三个MON的话,我们会在三台主机上分别部署三个MON进程,在cephadm中由于引入了编排,当我们部署一个高可用的MON服务时,会说我要部署一个mon service,但实际还是得由三个容器去承载mon,这里还引出另一个问题,这三个承载MON的容器是启动在一台主机上还是启动在三台主机上,这个就是由“放置规范”决定的了(后面我们会将放置规范),servcie和deamon的关系其实就如下图所示:


cephadm-servcie-第 2 页



  1. 明确指定匹配: 就是直接指定主机名,Deamon将直接部署到该主机上。
  2. 标签匹配: 就是在加主机的时候给主机加个标签,部署的时候Deamon将会部署到打了标签的主机上。
  3. 模式匹配: 比如prometheus是需要在每一台主机上部署的,这时候可以使用*匹配所示,那会就会在的所有主机上部署Deamon。
  4. 指定数量匹配: 就是直接指定部署Deamon的数量,由cephadm调度机制自动决定部署到哪些主机上。
  5. 还有一种特殊的匹配,就是禁用自动部署Deamon服务,改为人工部署。
  6. 以上5种模式都可以能完命令或YAM配置文件的方式定义调度放置规范。


让我们实现看下Cephadm服务的展示,下图中PLACEMENT 中*表示部署在所有主机, count:1 表示使用了指定数量匹配,ceph1;ceph2;ceph3 表示直接使用了明确指定匹配, RUNNING表示实现期望运行的Deamon和正在运行的Deamon比例,如mon显示3/5 表示mon默认指定了5个Deamon,但现在只有3台主机,所有只有3个在运行,当然这个期望数量也是可以修改的, PORTS 表示该Service暴露的IP和端口。

[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS                      RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT           alertmanager               ?:9093,9094                    1/1  4m ago     3d   count:1             crash                                                     3/3  4m ago     3d   *                   grafana                    ?:3000                         1/1  4m ago     3d   count:1             ingress.nfs.nfs  ,1968      6/6  4m ago     6h   count:3             ingress.rgw.rgw  ,1967      6/6  4m ago     6h   count:3             iscsi.gw                                                  3/3  4m ago     7h   ceph1;ceph2;ceph3   mds.cephfs                                                3/3  4m ago     7h   count:3             mgr                                                       2/2  4m ago     3d   count:2             mon                                                       3/5  4m ago     3d   count:5             nfs.nfs                                                   3/3  4m ago     7h   count:3             node-exporter              ?:9100                         3/3  4m ago     3d   *                   osd.all-available-devices                                9/12  4m ago     3d   *                   prometheus                 ?:9095                         1/1  4m ago     3d   count:1             rbd-mirror                                                3/3  4m ago     7h   count:3             rgw.rgw                    ?:80                           3/3  4m ago     7h   count:3    


如果想修改默认mon数量,可以使用ceph orch appy mon 3,如果想单独指定mon部署到某几台主机上,想禁用自动部署,可以使用ceph orch apply mon –unmanaged




  • Python 3
  • Systemd
  • Podman or Docker(如果使用podman会有兼容要求,兼容要求下图所示:) image-20210717182016648
  • chrony or NTP
  • LVM2

63.2 本次实验环境

序号 类型 版本 1 OS CentOS 8.3(mini) 2 Podman 3.0.2-dev 3 Ceph Pacific (16.2.5) 4 Python 3.6.8

序号 主机名 磁盘(20GB) 角色 1 ceph1 sdb,sdd,sdc cephadm,mon,mgr,osd,rgw,nfs,cephfs,iscsi,prometheus,grafana,rbd-mirror,cephfs-mirror,nfs-ingress,rgw-ingress 2 ceph2 sdb,sdd,sdc mon,mgr,osd,rgw,nfs,cephfs,iscsi,prometheus,grafana,rbd-mirror,cephfs-mirror,nfs-ingress,rgw-ingress 3 ceph3 sdb,sdd,sdc mon,mgr,osd,rgw,nfs,cephfs,iscsi,prometheus,grafana,rbd-mirror,cephfs-mirror,nfs-ingress,rgw-ingress



#dnf install epel-release -y #dnf install python3 -y #dnf install podman -y #dnf install -y chrony #systemctl start chronyd && systemctl enable chronyd 


chrony时间服务为必须安装,具体有2点原因:1为不安装在添加主机的时候会报错,2为即使安装成功ceph -s会也提示时间不同步!


#systemctl start chronyd && systemctl enable chronyd #systemctl disable firewalld && systemctl stop firewalld #setenforce 0 #sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config 


#hostnamectl set-hostname ceph1 #hostnamectl set-hostname ceph2 #hostnamectl set-hostname ceph3 




# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 ceph1 ceph2 ceph3 


配置Ceph1节点为ntp server。

#vi /etc/chrony.conf allow #systemctl restart chronyd 

配置其它Ceph2,Ceph3节点为ntp client。

#vi /etc/chrony.conf server ceph-admin iburst #systemctl restart chronyd 


#chronyc sources 210 Number of sources = 4 MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample                =============================================================================== ^* ceph-admin                      3   9     0   68m    +39us[  +45us] +/-   18ms ^- time.cloudflare.com           3  10   352   49m  +5653us[+5653us] +/-   71ms ^? de-user.deepinid.deepin.>     3  10    21   21m  -2286us[-2286us] +/-   97ms ^? 2402:f000:1:416:101:6:6:>     0   6     0     -     +0ns[   +0ns] +/-    0ns 




#curl --silent --remote-name --location https://github.com/ceph/ceph/raw/pacific/src/cephadm/cephadm #chmod +x cephadm #./cephadm add-repo --release pacific #./cephadm install #./cephadm install  ceph-common 


官方文档中还提到了另一种安装cephadm方式,就是通过dnf install -y cephadm安装,实践证明最好不要使用这种方式,这种方式安装的cephadm可能不是最新版本的,但cephadm去拉的容器版本又是最新的,会导致两个版本不一致!


[root@ceph1 ~]#  ceph orch status Backend: cephadm Available: Yes Paused: No 


开始通过cephadm “引导”一个单节点Ceph集群起来,示意图如下:



[root@ceph1 ~]# cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip Verifying podman|docker is present... Verifying lvm2 is present... Verifying time synchronization is in place... Unit chronyd.service is enabled and running Repeating the final host check... podman|docker (/usr/bin/podman) is present systemctl is present lvcreate is present Unit chronyd.service is enabled and running Host looks OK Cluster fsid: 36e7a21c-e3f7-11eb-8960-000c299df6ef Verifying IP port 3300 ... Verifying IP port 6789 ... Mon IP `` is in CIDR network `` - internal network (--cluster-network) has not been provided, OSD replication will default to the public_network Pulling container image docker.io/ceph/ceph:v16... Ceph version: ceph version 16.2.5 (0883bdea7337b95e4b611c768c0279868462204a) pacific (stable) Extracting ceph user uid/gid from container image... Creating initial keys... Creating initial monmap... Creating mon... Waiting for mon to start... Waiting for mon... mon is available Assimilating anything we can from ceph.conf... Generating new minimal ceph.conf... Restarting the monitor... Setting mon public_network to Wrote config to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf Wrote keyring to /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring Creating mgr... Verifying port 9283 ... Waiting for mgr to start... Waiting for mgr... mgr not available, waiting (1/15)... mgr not available, waiting (2/15)... mgr not available, waiting (3/15)... mgr is available Enabling cephadm module... Waiting for the mgr to restart... Waiting for mgr epoch 5... mgr epoch 5 is available Setting orchestrator backend to cephadm... Generating ssh key... Wrote public SSH key to /etc/ceph/ceph.pub Adding key to root@localhost authorized_keys... Adding host ceph1... Deploying mon service with default placement... Deploying mgr service with default placement... Deploying crash service with default placement... Enabling mgr prometheus module... Deploying prometheus service with default placement... Deploying grafana service with default placement... Deploying node-exporter service with default placement... Deploying alertmanager service with default placement... Enabling the dashboard module... Waiting for the mgr to restart... Waiting for mgr epoch 13... mgr epoch 13 is available Generating a dashboard self-signed certificate... Creating initial admin user... Fetching dashboard port number... Ceph Dashboard is now available at:        URL: https://ceph1:8443/      User: admin  Password: dqhiov5x4v  Enabling client.admin keyring and conf on hosts with "admin" label You can access the Ceph CLI with:   sudo /usr/sbin/cephadm shell --fsid 36e7a21c-e3f7-11eb-8960-000c299df6ef -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring  Please consider enabling telemetry to help improve Ceph:   ceph telemetry on  For more information see:   https://docs.ceph.com/docs/pacific/mgr/telemetry/  Bootstrap complete.  


  • 在本地主机上为新集群创建monitor 和 manager daemon守护程序。
  • 为Ceph集群生成一个新的SSH密钥,并将其添加到root用户的/root/.ssh/authorized_keys文件中。
  • 将与新群集进行通信所需的最小配置文件保存到/etc/ceph/ceph.conf。
  • 向/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring写入client.admin管理secret key的副本。
  • 将public key的副本写入/etc/ceph/ceph.pub。

完成后记录以上了IP以及用户和密码,打开Ceph Dashboard并根据提示修改密码,打开后提示要激活计量模块。


ceph dashboard ac-user-set-password admin -i password  {"username": "admin", "password": "$2b$12$6oFrEpssXCzLnKTWQy5fM.YZwlHjn8CuQRdeSSJR9hBGgVuwGCxoa", "roles": ["administrator"], "name": null, "email": null, "lastUpdate": 1620495653, "enabled": true, "pwdExpirationDate": null, "pwdUpdateRequired": false} 





如果Ceph Dashboard中错过了启用,也可以使用命令启用,命令是“ceph telemetry on –license sharing-1-0”。

95.3 添加主机

上文中提示了在引导成功单节点Ceph群集后会引导程序会将public key的副本写入/etc/ceph/ceph.pub,在添加主机节点前需要将该key分发到要加入群集的主机上,示意图如下所示:



[root@ceph1 ~]# ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@ceph2
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/etc/ceph/ceph.pub"
The authenticity of host 'ceph2 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:1fioQmugbtBCiRuwNNKr/aa3Z/hm5zeqUrIfOZi2nS8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
root@ceph2's password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh 'root@ceph2'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
[root@ceph1 ~]# ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@ceph3
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/etc/ceph/ceph.pub"
The authenticity of host 'ceph3 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:eBmb4q2ptVYS55njTzmQYCNo4p3yguNi85nHyAuR4XU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
root@ceph3's password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh 'root@ceph3'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.



[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch host add ceph2
Added host 'ceph2' with addr ''
[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch host add ceph3
Added host 'ceph3' with addr ''




[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch host ls HOST   ADDR             LABELS  STATUS   ceph1  _admin           ceph2                   ceph3          

105.4 添加OSD


  • 设备必须没有分区。
  • 设备不得具有任何LVM状态。
  • 不得安装设备。
  • 该设备不得包含文件系统。
  • 该设备不得包含Ceph BlueStore OSD。
  • 设备必须大于5 GB。


#ceph orch apply osd --all-available-devices 


 #ceph orch daemon add osd ceph1:/dev/sdb 



[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch device ls Hostname  Path      Type  Serial  Size   Health   Ident  Fault  Available   ceph1     /dev/sdb  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph1     /dev/sdc  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph1     /dev/sdd  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph2     /dev/sdb  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph2     /dev/sdc  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph2     /dev/sdd  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph3     /dev/sdb  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph3     /dev/sdc  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No          ceph3     /dev/sdd  hdd           21.4G  Unknown  N/A    N/A    No       

115.5 查看Ceph部署服务


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph -s   cluster:     id:     36e7a21c-e3f7-11eb-8960-000c299df6ef     health: HEALTH_OK     services:     mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph1,ceph2,ceph3 (age 8s)     mgr: ceph1.nwbihh(active, since 3d), standbys: ceph2.ednijf     osd: 9 osds: 9 up (since 3s), 9 in (since 3d)     data:     pools:   1 pools, 1 pgs     objects: 0 objects, 0 B     usage:   48 MiB used, 180 GiB / 180 GiB avail     pgs:     1 active+clean    







我们只需求通过浏览器直接打开grafana地址,手工点击“接受风险并继续”再回到Ceph Dashboard中再查看就正常了。

























125.6 部署RGW


 #ceph orch apply rgw rgw --placement=3 


通过Service查看命令ceph orch ls查看该服务状态。

[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS        RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT   alertmanager               ?:9093,9094      1/1  10m ago    3d   count:1     crash                                       3/3  10m ago    3d   *           grafana                    ?:3000           1/1  10m ago    3d   count:1     mgr                                         2/2  10m ago    3d   count:2     mon                                         3/5  10m ago    3d   count:5     node-exporter              ?:9100           3/3  10m ago    3d   *           osd.all-available-devices                  9/12  10m ago    3d   *           prometheus                 ?:9095           1/1  10m ago    3d   count:1     rgw.rgw                    ?:80             3/3  1s ago     12s  count:3     

通过Deamon查看命令ceph orch ps查看该进程状态。

[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                  HOST   PORTS        STATUS         REFRESHED  AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION  IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1    ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (3d)     30s ago   3d    25.4M        -  0.20.0   0881eb8f169f  32812d14049d   crash.ceph1           ceph1               running (3d)     30s ago   3d    2675k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  4e28e82a2c92   crash.ceph2           ceph2               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    12.3M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  45e02925199a   crash.ceph3           ceph3               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    12.9M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  e98dc6157ba2   grafana.ceph1         ceph1  *:3000       running (3d)     30s ago   3d    54.0M        -  6.7.4    ae5c36c3d3cd  df3a2a73271c   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh      ceph1  *:9283       running (3d)     30s ago   3d     428M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  8210247b8cef   mgr.ceph2.ednijf      ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (3d)     34s ago   3d     399M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  cf556f5d2527   mon.ceph1             ceph1               running (3d)     30s ago   3d     475M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  eef3a01cca72   mon.ceph2             ceph2               running (3d)     34s ago   3d     293M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  4130307d82f2   mon.ceph3             ceph3               running (3d)     34s ago   3d     261M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  fa0cdd7af8a9   node-exporter.ceph1   ceph1  *:9100       running (3d)     30s ago   3d    14.9M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  3fc396d01969   node-exporter.ceph2   ceph2  *:9100       running (3d)     34s ago   3d    11.3M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  2b0081864a94   node-exporter.ceph3   ceph3  *:9100       running (3d)     34s ago   3d    11.2M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  73a7bbe0831c   osd.0                 ceph2               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    41.2M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  2046f2cc358e   osd.1                 ceph3               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    45.4M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  09058507fe6e   osd.2                 ceph1               running (3d)     30s ago   3d    33.0M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  80d58366f0dc   osd.3                 ceph2               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    42.5M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  63654f9d8082   osd.4                 ceph3               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    43.3M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d3a82429878d   osd.5                 ceph1               running (3d)     30s ago   3d    31.3M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  ebfc2a71bc3c   osd.6                 ceph2               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    38.8M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  235189a4bd54   osd.7                 ceph3               running (3d)     34s ago   3d    44.3M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  b7f8a457a3b1   osd.8                 ceph1               running (3d)     30s ago   3d    33.2M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  eb1bf3e567fd   prometheus.ceph1      ceph1  *:9095       running (3d)     30s ago   3d    81.5M        -  2.18.1   de242295e225  4da5a8d98259   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw  ceph1  *:80         running (43s)    30s ago  42s    48.0M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  20fb488d35ad   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt  ceph2  *:80         running (40s)    34s ago  40s    40.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  e9c9538b064e   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe  ceph3  *:80         running (37s)    34s ago  37s    41.8M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  75e93ef56bb7    


#radosgw-admin user create --uid=rgw --display-name=rgw --system "keys": [         {             "user": "rgw",             "access_key": "M0XRR80H4AGGE4PP0A5B",             "secret_key": "Tbln48sfIceDGNill5muCrX0oMCHrQcl2oC9OURe"         }     ],             ...... 

记录access_key和secret_key的值保存为 access_key.txt 和secret_key.txt ,通过命令集成到dahsboard中。

#ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key -i access_key.txt  Option RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY updated #ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key -i secret_key.txt  Option RGW_API_SECRET_KEY updated 

在Ceph Dashboard中看到RGW已经集成成功(看官方文档未来Cephadm安装会自动集成到Ceph Dashboard中,不像现在还需要手动集成)。







135.7 部署Cephfs

部署cephfs服务并创建cepfs,创建cephfs有两种方式,一种是使用的是ceph fs命令该命令会自动创建相应的池,另一种手工创建池并创建Service,下面方法任选一种。

#ceph fs volume create cephfs --placement=3 
#ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 32 #ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 32 #ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data #ceph orch apply mds cephfs --placement=3 



[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS        RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT   alertmanager               ?:9093,9094      1/1  1s ago     3d   count:1     crash                                       3/3  5s ago     3d   *           grafana                    ?:3000           1/1  1s ago     3d   count:1     mds.cephfs                                  3/3  5s ago     15s  count:3     mgr                                         2/2  5s ago     3d   count:2     mon                                         3/5  5s ago     3d   count:5     node-exporter              ?:9100           3/3  5s ago     3d   *           osd.all-available-devices                  9/12  5s ago     3d   *           prometheus                 ?:9095           1/1  1s ago     3d   count:1     rgw.rgw                    ?:80             3/3  5s ago     21m  count:3   


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                     HOST   PORTS        STATUS         REFRESHED  AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION  IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1       ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (7m)     32s ago   3d    31.9M        -  0.20.0   0881eb8f169f  66918f633189   crash.ceph1              ceph1               running (7m)     32s ago   3d    6287k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  dbe00b18ef37   crash.ceph2              ceph2               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    7889k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c24dcd762121   crash.ceph3              ceph3               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    10.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  eed1c74352f0   grafana.ceph1            ceph1  *:3000       running (7m)     32s ago   3d    70.5M        -  6.7.4    ae5c36c3d3cd  cbbfae0f90e4   mds.cephfs.ceph1.ooraiz  ceph1               running (44s)    32s ago  43s    24.0M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  f668ab1ad9bb   mds.cephfs.ceph2.qfmprj  ceph2               running (41s)    36s ago  41s    19.5M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8bb9979aca2   mds.cephfs.ceph3.ifskba  ceph3               running (39s)    36s ago  39s    19.8M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d0fd9a78c1d8   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh         ceph1  *:9283       running (7m)     32s ago   3d     480M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  90bd2d0704b3   mgr.ceph2.ednijf         ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (7m)     36s ago   3d     468M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  9b69c446355f   mon.ceph1                ceph1               running (7m)     32s ago   3d     139M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  736fd1630a06   mon.ceph2                ceph2               running (7m)     36s ago   3d     108M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  629bc53c8992   mon.ceph3                ceph3               running (7m)     36s ago   3d     125M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  1b56b8a0d9ac   node-exporter.ceph1      ceph1  *:9100       running (7m)     32s ago   3d    23.3M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  3664470b1641   node-exporter.ceph2      ceph2  *:9100       running (7m)     36s ago   3d    24.9M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  140f7e84ba38   node-exporter.ceph3      ceph3  *:9100       running (7m)     36s ago   3d    24.8M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  de98304ceaea   osd.0                    ceph2               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    59.2M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6ebce33417c2   osd.1                    ceph3               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    82.7M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6d43f1b7bfde   osd.2                    ceph1               running (7m)     32s ago   3d    56.0M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  07d1183306d1   osd.3                    ceph2               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    67.5M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  a77d771d3e6d   osd.4                    ceph3               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    48.7M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  3d82752a8fb1   osd.5                    ceph1               running (7m)     32s ago   3d    61.6M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6f7b5df090d5   osd.6                    ceph2               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    59.2M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  7f769655adc7   osd.7                    ceph3               running (7m)     36s ago   3d    51.9M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  24d63cd18dde   osd.8                    ceph1               running (7m)     32s ago   3d    44.8M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  667fb8831e53   prometheus.ceph1         ceph1  *:9095       running (7m)     32s ago   3d    97.0M        -  2.18.1   de242295e225  f67fbc035cba   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw     ceph1  *:80         running (7m)     32s ago  22m    71.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c8e1c9701010   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt     ceph2  *:80         running (7m)     36s ago  22m    82.9M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8ba326c22b8   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe     ceph3  *:80         running (7m)     36s ago  22m    81.4M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d89c2b87e8e4    

查看Ceph Dashboard中状态。



145.8 部署NFS


#ceph osd pool create ganesha_data 32 #ceph osd pool application enable ganesha_data nfs 


部署nfs Service。

 #ceph orch apply nfs nfs ganesha_data --placement=3 


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS        RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT   alertmanager               ?:9093,9094      1/1  3s ago     3d   count:1     crash                                       3/3  8s ago     3d   *           grafana                    ?:3000           1/1  3s ago     3d   count:1     mds.cephfs                                  3/3  8s ago     3m   count:3     mgr                                         2/2  8s ago     3d   count:2     mon                                         3/5  8s ago     3d   count:5     nfs.nfs                                     3/3  8s ago     28s  count:3     node-exporter              ?:9100           3/3  8s ago     3d   *           osd.all-available-devices                  9/12  8s ago     3d   *           prometheus                 ?:9095           1/1  3s ago     3d   count:1     rgw.rgw                    ?:80             3/3  8s ago     25m  count:3      


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                      HOST   PORTS        STATUS         REFRESHED  AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION  IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1        ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (11m)    27s ago   3d    28.9M        -  0.20.0   0881eb8f169f  66918f633189   crash.ceph1               ceph1               running (11m)    27s ago   3d    5628k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  dbe00b18ef37   crash.ceph2               ceph2               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    7889k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c24dcd762121   crash.ceph3               ceph3               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    10.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  eed1c74352f0   grafana.ceph1             ceph1  *:3000       running (11m)    27s ago   3d    70.6M        -  6.7.4    ae5c36c3d3cd  cbbfae0f90e4   mds.cephfs.ceph1.ooraiz   ceph1               running (3m)     27s ago   3m    26.6M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  f668ab1ad9bb   mds.cephfs.ceph2.qfmprj   ceph2               running (3m)     33s ago   3m    21.4M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8bb9979aca2   mds.cephfs.ceph3.ifskba   ceph3               running (3m)     33s ago   3m    21.7M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d0fd9a78c1d8   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh          ceph1  *:9283       running (11m)    27s ago   3d     489M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  90bd2d0704b3   mgr.ceph2.ednijf          ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (10m)    33s ago   3d     468M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  9b69c446355f   mon.ceph1                 ceph1               running (11m)    27s ago   3d     126M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  736fd1630a06   mon.ceph2                 ceph2               running (10m)    33s ago   3d     119M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  629bc53c8992   mon.ceph3                 ceph3               running (10m)    33s ago   3d     135M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  1b56b8a0d9ac   nfs.nfs.0.0.ceph1.ufsfpf  ceph1  *:2049       running (47s)    27s ago  47s    50.5M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  8af0f7d10e2b   nfs.nfs.1.0.ceph2.blgraz  ceph2  *:2049       running (42s)    33s ago  41s    27.4M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  d2e2238859e8   nfs.nfs.2.0.ceph3.edjscz  ceph3  *:2049       running (36s)    33s ago  36s    27.2M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  31e148631f9f   node-exporter.ceph1       ceph1  *:9100       running (11m)    27s ago   3d    22.6M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  3664470b1641   node-exporter.ceph2       ceph2  *:9100       running (11m)    33s ago   3d    24.9M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  140f7e84ba38   node-exporter.ceph3       ceph3  *:9100       running (10m)    33s ago   3d    25.0M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  de98304ceaea   osd.0                     ceph2               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    62.4M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6ebce33417c2   osd.1                     ceph3               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    85.9M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6d43f1b7bfde   osd.2                     ceph1               running (10m)    27s ago   3d    52.4M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  07d1183306d1   osd.3                     ceph2               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    71.3M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  a77d771d3e6d   osd.4                     ceph3               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    52.1M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  3d82752a8fb1   osd.5                     ceph1               running (10m)    27s ago   3d    56.3M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6f7b5df090d5   osd.6                     ceph2               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    61.5M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  7f769655adc7   osd.7                     ceph3               running (10m)    33s ago   3d    54.7M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  24d63cd18dde   osd.8                     ceph1               running (10m)    27s ago   3d    46.7M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  667fb8831e53   prometheus.ceph1          ceph1  *:9095       running (11m)    27s ago   3d    97.2M        -  2.18.1   de242295e225  f67fbc035cba   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw      ceph1  *:80         running (11m)    27s ago  25m    62.2M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c8e1c9701010   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt      ceph2  *:80         running (11m)    33s ago  25m    83.3M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8ba326c22b8   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe      ceph3  *:80         running (10m)    33s ago  25m    81.9M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d89c2b87e8e4    

查看Ceph Dashboard状态。



155.9 部署iSCSi


#ceph osd pool create  iscsi_pool 32 32 #ceph osd pool application enable iscsi_pool iscsi 


#vi iscsi.yaml service_type: iscsi service_id: gw placement:   hosts:     - ceph1     - ceph2     - ceph3 spec:   pool: iscsi_pool   trusted_ip_list: ",,"   api_user: admin   api_password: admin   api_secure: false 


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch apply -i iscsi.yaml Scheduled iscsi.gw update... 



[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS        RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT           alertmanager               ?:9093,9094      1/1  5s ago     3d   count:1             crash                                       3/3  9s ago     3d   *                   grafana                    ?:3000           1/1  5s ago     3d   count:1             iscsi.gw                                    3/3  9s ago     21s  ceph1;ceph2;ceph3   mds.cephfs                                  3/3  9s ago     8m   count:3             mgr                                         2/2  9s ago     3d   count:2             mon                                         3/5  9s ago     3d   count:5             nfs.nfs                                     3/3  9s ago     5m   count:3             node-exporter              ?:9100           3/3  9s ago     3d   *                   osd.all-available-devices                  9/12  9s ago     3d   *                   prometheus                 ?:9095           1/1  5s ago     3d   count:1             rgw.rgw                    ?:80             3/3  9s ago     30m  count:3    


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                      HOST   PORTS        STATUS         REFRESHED  AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION  IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1        ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (15m)    28s ago   3d    23.6M        -  0.20.0   0881eb8f169f  66918f633189   crash.ceph1               ceph1               running (15m)    28s ago   3d    4072k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  dbe00b18ef37   crash.ceph2               ceph2               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    7470k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c24dcd762121   crash.ceph3               ceph3               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    10.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  eed1c74352f0   grafana.ceph1             ceph1  *:3000       running (15m)    28s ago   3d    47.3M        -  6.7.4    ae5c36c3d3cd  cbbfae0f90e4   iscsi.gw.ceph1.esngze     ceph1               running (42s)    28s ago  41s    64.2M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  96f1250ba7f1   iscsi.gw.ceph2.ypjkrx     ceph2               running (39s)    32s ago  39s    61.9M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  9cc090aa85ec   iscsi.gw.ceph3.hntxjs     ceph3               running (36s)    32s ago  36s    28.2M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  d9a6906671a4   mds.cephfs.ceph1.ooraiz   ceph1               running (8m)     28s ago   8m    22.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  f668ab1ad9bb   mds.cephfs.ceph2.qfmprj   ceph2               running (8m)     32s ago   8m    20.3M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8bb9979aca2   mds.cephfs.ceph3.ifskba   ceph3               running (8m)     32s ago   8m    22.9M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d0fd9a78c1d8   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh          ceph1  *:9283       running (15m)    28s ago   3d     465M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  90bd2d0704b3   mgr.ceph2.ednijf          ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (15m)    32s ago   3d     434M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  9b69c446355f   mon.ceph1                 ceph1               running (15m)    28s ago   3d     128M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  736fd1630a06   mon.ceph2                 ceph2               running (15m)    32s ago   3d     115M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  629bc53c8992   mon.ceph3                 ceph3               running (15m)    32s ago   3d     161M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  1b56b8a0d9ac   nfs.nfs.0.0.ceph1.ufsfpf  ceph1  *:2049       running (5m)     28s ago   5m    70.3M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  8af0f7d10e2b   nfs.nfs.1.0.ceph2.blgraz  ceph2  *:2049       running (5m)     32s ago   5m    77.7M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  d2e2238859e8   nfs.nfs.2.0.ceph3.edjscz  ceph3  *:2049       running (5m)     32s ago   5m    80.7M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  31e148631f9f   node-exporter.ceph1       ceph1  *:9100       running (15m)    28s ago   3d    16.0M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  3664470b1641   node-exporter.ceph2       ceph2  *:9100       running (15m)    32s ago   3d    23.5M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  140f7e84ba38   node-exporter.ceph3       ceph3  *:9100       running (15m)    32s ago   3d    27.5M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  de98304ceaea   osd.0                     ceph2               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    60.7M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6ebce33417c2   osd.1                     ceph3               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    90.3M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6d43f1b7bfde   osd.2                     ceph1               running (15m)    28s ago   3d    49.1M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  07d1183306d1   osd.3                     ceph2               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    71.8M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  a77d771d3e6d   osd.4                     ceph3               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    55.8M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  3d82752a8fb1   osd.5                     ceph1               running (15m)    28s ago   3d    51.5M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6f7b5df090d5   osd.6                     ceph2               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    62.1M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  7f769655adc7   osd.7                     ceph3               running (15m)    32s ago   3d    57.4M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  24d63cd18dde   osd.8                     ceph1               running (15m)    28s ago   3d    49.2M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  667fb8831e53   prometheus.ceph1          ceph1  *:9095       running (15m)    28s ago   3d    80.4M        -  2.18.1   de242295e225  f67fbc035cba   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw      ceph1  *:80         running (15m)    28s ago  30m    55.8M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c8e1c9701010   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt      ceph2  *:80         running (15m)    32s ago  30m    74.9M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8ba326c22b8   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe      ceph3  *:80         running (15m)    32s ago  30m    83.8M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d89c2b87e8e4  

查看Ceph Dashboard状态。





165.10 添加rbd-mirror

部署rbd-mirror Service.

[root@ceph-node1 ~]# ceph orch apply rbd-mirror --placement=3 Scheduled rbd-mirror update... 



[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS        RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT           alertmanager               ?:9093,9094      1/1  9s ago     3d   count:1             crash                                       3/3  12s ago    3d   *                   grafana                    ?:3000           1/1  9s ago     3d   count:1             iscsi.gw                                    3/3  12s ago    3m   ceph1;ceph2;ceph3   mds.cephfs                                  3/3  12s ago    11m  count:3             mgr                                         2/2  12s ago    3d   count:2             mon                                         3/5  12s ago    3d   count:5             nfs.nfs                                     3/3  12s ago    8m   count:3             node-exporter              ?:9100           3/3  12s ago    3d   *                   osd.all-available-devices                  9/12  12s ago    3d   *                   prometheus                 ?:9095           1/1  9s ago     3d   count:1             rbd-mirror                                  3/3  12s ago    23s  count:3             rgw.rgw                    ?:80             3/3  12s ago    32m  count:3  


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                      HOST   PORTS        STATUS         REFRESHED  AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION  IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1        ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (18m)    34s ago   3d    24.5M        -  0.20.0   0881eb8f169f  66918f633189   crash.ceph1               ceph1               running (18m)    34s ago   3d    3309k        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  dbe00b18ef37   crash.ceph2               ceph2               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    11.6M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c24dcd762121   crash.ceph3               ceph3               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    10.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  eed1c74352f0   grafana.ceph1             ceph1  *:3000       running (18m)    34s ago   3d    60.2M        -  6.7.4    ae5c36c3d3cd  cbbfae0f90e4   iscsi.gw.ceph1.esngze     ceph1               running (3m)     34s ago   3m    53.1M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  96f1250ba7f1   iscsi.gw.ceph2.ypjkrx     ceph2               running (3m)     37s ago   3m    66.1M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  9cc090aa85ec   iscsi.gw.ceph3.hntxjs     ceph3               running (3m)     37s ago   3m    59.7M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  d9a6906671a4   mds.cephfs.ceph1.ooraiz   ceph1               running (11m)    34s ago  11m    18.4M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  f668ab1ad9bb   mds.cephfs.ceph2.qfmprj   ceph2               running (11m)    37s ago  11m    20.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8bb9979aca2   mds.cephfs.ceph3.ifskba   ceph3               running (11m)    37s ago  11m    23.4M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d0fd9a78c1d8   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh          ceph1  *:9283       running (18m)    34s ago   3d     456M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  90bd2d0704b3   mgr.ceph2.ednijf          ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (18m)    37s ago   3d     423M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  9b69c446355f   mon.ceph1                 ceph1               running (18m)    34s ago   3d     129M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  736fd1630a06   mon.ceph2                 ceph2               running (18m)    37s ago   3d     133M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  629bc53c8992   mon.ceph3                 ceph3               running (18m)    37s ago   3d     158M    2048M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  1b56b8a0d9ac   nfs.nfs.0.0.ceph1.ufsfpf  ceph1  *:2049       running (8m)     34s ago   8m    71.9M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  8af0f7d10e2b   nfs.nfs.1.0.ceph2.blgraz  ceph2  *:2049       running (8m)     37s ago   8m    86.8M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  d2e2238859e8   nfs.nfs.2.0.ceph3.edjscz  ceph3  *:2049       running (8m)     37s ago   8m    80.9M        -  3.5      6933c2a0b7dd  31e148631f9f   node-exporter.ceph1       ceph1  *:9100       running (18m)    34s ago   3d    22.2M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  3664470b1641   node-exporter.ceph2       ceph2  *:9100       running (18m)    37s ago   3d    22.0M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  140f7e84ba38   node-exporter.ceph3       ceph3  *:9100       running (18m)    37s ago   3d    27.6M        -  0.18.1   e5a616e4b9cf  de98304ceaea   osd.0                     ceph2               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    58.4M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6ebce33417c2   osd.1                     ceph3               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    91.3M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6d43f1b7bfde   osd.2                     ceph1               running (18m)    34s ago   3d    42.7M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  07d1183306d1   osd.3                     ceph2               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    67.0M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  a77d771d3e6d   osd.4                     ceph3               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    56.9M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  3d82752a8fb1   osd.5                     ceph1               running (18m)    34s ago   3d    58.5M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  6f7b5df090d5   osd.6                     ceph2               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    60.2M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  7f769655adc7   osd.7                     ceph3               running (18m)    37s ago   3d    58.0M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  24d63cd18dde   osd.8                     ceph1               running (18m)    34s ago   3d    47.8M    4096M  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  667fb8831e53   prometheus.ceph1          ceph1  *:9095       running (18m)    34s ago   3d    95.1M        -  2.18.1   de242295e225  f67fbc035cba   rbd-mirror.ceph1.rkchvq   ceph1               running (46s)    34s ago  46s    32.6M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  46c56c1528f0   rbd-mirror.ceph2.zdhnvt   ceph2               running (44s)    37s ago  44s    33.7M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  de9df26682c7   rbd-mirror.ceph3.mssyuu   ceph3               running (42s)    37s ago  41s    29.9M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  679eabd8dd5c   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw      ceph1  *:80         running (18m)    34s ago  33m    50.1M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  c8e1c9701010   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt      ceph2  *:80         running (18m)    37s ago  33m    73.9M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d8ba326c22b8   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe      ceph3  *:80         running (18m)    37s ago  33m    84.4M        -  16.2.5   6933c2a0b7dd  d89c2b87e8e4    

查看Ceph Dashboard状态。



175.11 部署Cephfs-mirror

部署cephfs-mirror Service.

#ceph orch apply cephfs-mirror --placement=3 Scheduled cephfs-mirror update... 



[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS                      RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT           alertmanager               ?:9093,9094                    1/1  22s ago    4d   count:1             cephfs-mirror                                             3/3  25s ago    52s  count:3             crash                                                     3/3  25s ago    4d   *                   grafana                    ?:3000                         1/1  22s ago    4d   count:1             ingress.nfs.nfs  ,1968      6/6  25s ago    7h   count:3             ingress.rgw.rgw  ,1967      6/6  25s ago    7h   count:3             iscsi.gw                                                  3/3  25s ago    8h   ceph1;ceph2;ceph3   mds.cephfs                                                3/3  25s ago    8h   count:3             mgr                                                       2/2  25s ago    4d   count:2             mon                                                       3/5  25s ago    4d   count:5             nfs.nfs                                                   3/3  25s ago    8h   count:3             node-exporter              ?:9100                         3/3  25s ago    4d   *                   osd.all-available-devices                                9/12  25s ago    3d   *                   prometheus                 ?:9095                         1/1  22s ago    4d   count:1             rbd-mirror                                                3/3  25s ago    8h   count:3             rgw.rgw                    ?:80                           3/3  25s ago    8h   count:3  


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                             HOST   PORTS        STATUS          REFRESHED   AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION         IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1               ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (7h)      61s ago    4d    29.5M        -  0.20.0          0881eb8f169f  b9640288c91f   cephfs-mirror.ceph1.cclxku       ceph1               running (86s)     61s ago   85s    26.1M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  88b6f8918aa8   cephfs-mirror.ceph2.ozwgqg       ceph2               running (116s)    64s ago  116s    30.8M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  dcd8c6dcc4f0   cephfs-mirror.ceph3.iefmko       ceph3               running (2m)      64s ago    2m    30.5M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  581ba61bad28   crash.ceph1                      ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    4d    1975k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  116ff5ce3646   crash.ceph2                      ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    5448k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  354b8903892b   crash.ceph3                      ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    5737k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  a5c223e5362c   grafana.ceph1                    ceph1  *:3000       running (7h)      61s ago    4d    50.8M        -  6.7.4           ae5c36c3d3cd  d284162e0da4   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph1.bdmrwh     ceph1  *:2050,1968  running (7h)      61s ago    7h    1899k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  3d9c640d828e   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph2.ryaaaq     ceph2  *:2050,1968  running (7h)      64s ago    7h    1879k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  cffaa94c6c4a   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph3.ysfamh     ceph3  *:2050,1968  running (7h)      64s ago    7h    1644k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  0e48492c6233   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph1.nmvtig     ceph1  *:8080,1967  running (7h)      61s ago    7h    7574k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  5e521b875eba   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph2.bbcnso     ceph2  *:8080,1967  running (7h)      64s ago    7h    4512k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  cbd03c96a1fd   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph3.bcvvxl     ceph3  *:8080,1967  running (7h)      64s ago    7h    5775k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  535a37749437   iscsi.gw.ceph1.esngze            ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    8h    23.8M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  04d1bfd141a9   iscsi.gw.ceph2.ypjkrx            ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    8h    21.2M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  7f78b9c0deb0   iscsi.gw.ceph3.hntxjs            ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    8h    28.5M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  2fe9bb0b7bfe   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph1.jprcvw  ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    7h    3862k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  8e337e634255   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph2.oiynik  ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    7h    3493k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  a6d10588190e   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph3.guulfc  ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    7h    1853k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  23680bf04f55   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph1.keriqf  ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    7h    2902k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  a11d221ae1af   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph2.gxshhg  ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    7h    2461k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  59026981ef10   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph3.tqaixq  ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    7h    4294k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  25cfdab23bfe   mds.cephfs.ceph1.ooraiz          ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    8h    14.6M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  64246a825e21   mds.cephfs.ceph2.qfmprj          ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    8h    9323k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  f0faa5b9a7d5   mds.cephfs.ceph3.ifskba          ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    8h    9072k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  7f294af518f7   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh                 ceph1  *:9283       running (7h)      61s ago    4d     161M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  f7b2470c5797   mgr.ceph2.ednijf                 ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (7h)      64s ago    3d    28.2M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  e24b40d99e6d   mon.ceph1                        ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    4d     483M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  9936a8b6587b   mon.ceph2                        ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    3d     878M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  abe7eed2d100   mon.ceph3                        ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    3d     881M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  52d747e3d011   nfs.nfs.0.0.ceph1.ufsfpf         ceph1  *:2049       running (7h)      61s ago    8h    25.4M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  fff5327b8415   nfs.nfs.1.0.ceph2.blgraz         ceph2  *:2049       running (7h)      64s ago    8h    33.0M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  ea09e2429950   nfs.nfs.2.0.ceph3.edjscz         ceph3  *:2049       running (7h)      64s ago    8h    41.8M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  dcc6fd5aa85f   node-exporter.ceph1              ceph1  *:9100       running (7h)      61s ago    4d    13.8M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  69e5d1f3e310   node-exporter.ceph2              ceph2  *:9100       running (7h)      64s ago    3d    15.8M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  cd41893212ca   node-exporter.ceph3              ceph3  *:9100       running (7h)      64s ago    3d    15.3M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  9ab2b99dabd6   osd.0                            ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    31.6M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  0c9dc80a1d74   osd.1                            ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    47.2M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  c698fa4c50c0   osd.2                            ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    3d    39.3M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  69501861396e   osd.3                            ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    50.0M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  fa9549c63716   osd.4                            ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    37.8M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  d1fc644bd8f6   osd.5                            ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    3d    38.5M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  ed81fef0dd1c   osd.6                            ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    29.7M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  68d0dcad316b   osd.7                            ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    3d    28.4M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  d3dc04b1d1ff   osd.8                            ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    3d    38.4M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  13f0d2b109ff   prometheus.ceph1                 ceph1  *:9095       running (7h)      61s ago    4d     131M        -  2.18.1          de242295e225  e5fb2f5703d5   rbd-mirror.ceph1.rkchvq          ceph1               running (7h)      61s ago    8h    7453k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  e5ca469f9184   rbd-mirror.ceph2.zdhnvt          ceph2               running (7h)      64s ago    8h    6505k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  2933e22fd669   rbd-mirror.ceph3.mssyuu          ceph3               running (7h)      64s ago    8h    10.5M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  862ef07ae291   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw             ceph1  *:80         running (7h)      61s ago    8h    66.9M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  9002673bd55a   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt             ceph2  *:80         running (7h)      64s ago    8h    67.9M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  dbdddd0f10cd   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe             ceph3  *:80         running (7h)      64s ago    8h    69.0M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  b896b40ef1d8   


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph -s   cluster:     id:     36e7a21c-e3f7-11eb-8960-000c299df6ef     health: HEALTH_WARN             clock skew detected on mon.ceph2, mon.ceph3     services:     mon:           3 daemons, quorum ceph1,ceph2,ceph3 (age 58m)     mgr:           ceph1.nwbihh(active, since 7h), standbys: ceph2.ednijf     mds:           1/1 daemons up, 2 standby     osd:           9 osds: 9 up (since 7h), 9 in (since 3d)     cephfs-mirror: 3 daemons active (3 hosts)     rbd-mirror:    3 daemons active (3 hosts)     rgw:           3 daemons active (3 hosts, 1 zones)     data:     volumes: 1/1 healthy     pools:   10 pools, 241 pgs     objects: 233 objects, 9.4 KiB     usage:   323 MiB used, 180 GiB / 180 GiB avail     pgs:     241 active+clean     io:     client:   4.1 KiB/s rd, 4 op/s rd, 0 op/s wr     

Ceph Dashboard中查看部署了哪些服务。



185.12 添加ingress





[root@ceph1 ~]# vi rgw-ingress.yaml  service_type: ingress service_id: rgw.rgw placement:   count: 3 spec:   backend_service: rgw.rgw   virtual_ip:   frontend_port: 8080   monitor_port: 1967 #ceph orch apply -i rgw-ingress.yaml  


注意这里的backend_service一定要通过ceph orch ls查看到实际的名称为准, frontend_port为VIP的端口,注意到这里有个 monitor_port这个的意思是haproxy 状态页端口。



比如想验证 monitor_port的意思,可以进入haproxy容器中,查看haproxy配置文件frontend stats段落中有1967端口以及用户名和密码。

#podman exec -it 5e521b875eba bash # cat /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.cfg  root@ceph1:/var/lib/haproxy# cat haproxy.cfg  # This file is generated by cephadm. global     log local2     chroot      /var/lib/haproxy     pidfile     /var/lib/haproxy/haproxy.pid     maxconn     8000     daemon     stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats  defaults     mode                    http     log                     global     option                  httplog     option                  dontlognull     option http-server-close     option forwardfor       except     option                  redispatch     retries                 3     timeout queue           20s     timeout connect         5s     timeout http-request    1s     timeout http-keep-alive 5s     timeout client          1s     timeout server          1s     timeout check           5s     maxconn                 8000  frontend stats     mode http     bind *:1967     stats enable     stats uri /stats     stats refresh 10s     stats auth admin:vpxpoqmhxsetlmoerbck     http-request use-service prometheus-exporter if { path /metrics }     monitor-uri /health  frontend frontend     bind *:8080     default_backend backend  backend backend     option forwardfor     balance static-rr     option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0     server rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw check weight 100     server rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt check weight 100     server rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe check weight 100  



[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS                      RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE   PLACEMENT           alertmanager               ?:9093,9094                    1/1  67s ago    3d    count:1             crash                                                     3/3  2m ago     3d    *                   grafana                    ?:3000                         1/1  67s ago    3d    count:1                     ingress.rgw.rgw  ,1967      6/6  2m ago     17m   count:3             iscsi.gw                                                  3/3  2m ago     76m   ceph1;ceph2;ceph3   mds.cephfs                                                3/3  2m ago     84m   count:3             mgr                                                       2/2  2m ago     3d    count:2             mon                                                       3/5  2m ago     3d    count:5             nfs.nfs                                                   3/3  2m ago     81m   count:3             node-exporter              ?:9100                         3/3  2m ago     3d    *                   osd.all-available-devices                                9/12  2m ago     3d    *                   prometheus                 ?:9095                         1/1  67s ago    3d    count:1             rbd-mirror                                                3/3  2m ago     73m   count:3             rgw.rgw                    ?:80                           3/3  2m ago     105m  count:3             


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                             HOST   PORTS        STATUS         REFRESHED  AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION         IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1               ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (7h)      7m ago   4d    31.5M        -  0.20.0          0881eb8f169f  b9640288c91f   cephfs-mirror.ceph1.cclxku       ceph1               running (28m)     7m ago  28m    16.5M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  88b6f8918aa8   cephfs-mirror.ceph2.ozwgqg       ceph2               running (29m)     7m ago  29m    13.6M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  dcd8c6dcc4f0   cephfs-mirror.ceph3.iefmko       ceph3               running (30m)     7m ago  30m    14.2M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  581ba61bad28   crash.ceph1                      ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   4d    1929k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  116ff5ce3646   crash.ceph2                      ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    3451k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  354b8903892b   crash.ceph3                      ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    4047k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  a5c223e5362c   grafana.ceph1                    ceph1  *:3000       running (7h)      7m ago   4d    44.0M        -  6.7.4           ae5c36c3d3cd  d284162e0da4   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph1.bdmrwh     ceph1  *:2050,1968  running (7h)      7m ago   7h    1870k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  3d9c640d828e   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph2.ryaaaq     ceph2  *:2050,1968  running (7h)      7m ago   7h    1862k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  cffaa94c6c4a   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph3.ysfamh     ceph3  *:2050,1968  running (7h)      7m ago   7h    1904k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  0e48492c6233   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph1.nmvtig     ceph1  *:8080,1967  running (7h)      7m ago   7h    6089k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  5e521b875eba   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph2.bbcnso     ceph2  *:8080,1967  running (7h)      7m ago   7h    2877k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  cbd03c96a1fd   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph3.bcvvxl     ceph3  *:8080,1967  running (7h)      7m ago   7h    4265k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  535a37749437   iscsi.gw.ceph1.esngze            ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    25.5M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  04d1bfd141a9   iscsi.gw.ceph2.ypjkrx            ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    22.3M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  7f78b9c0deb0   iscsi.gw.ceph3.hntxjs            ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    29.7M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  2fe9bb0b7bfe   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph1.jprcvw  ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   7h    3837k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  8e337e634255   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph2.oiynik  ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   7h    3468k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  a6d10588190e   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph3.guulfc  ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   7h    1732k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  23680bf04f55   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph1.keriqf  ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   7h    2667k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  a11d221ae1af   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph2.gxshhg  ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   7h    2969k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  59026981ef10   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph3.tqaixq  ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   7h    4600k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  25cfdab23bfe   mds.cephfs.ceph1.ooraiz          ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    19.3M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  64246a825e21   mds.cephfs.ceph2.qfmprj          ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    6790k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  f0faa5b9a7d5   mds.cephfs.ceph3.ifskba          ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    10.0M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  7f294af518f7   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh                 ceph1  *:9283       running (7h)      7m ago   4d     119M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  f7b2470c5797   mgr.ceph2.ednijf                 ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (7h)      7m ago   3d    30.2M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  e24b40d99e6d   mon.ceph1                        ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   4d     526M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  9936a8b6587b   mon.ceph2                        ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   3d     898M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  abe7eed2d100   mon.ceph3                        ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   3d     894M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  52d747e3d011   nfs.nfs.0.0.ceph1.ufsfpf         ceph1  *:2049       running (7h)      7m ago   8h    23.0M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  fff5327b8415   nfs.nfs.1.0.ceph2.blgraz         ceph2  *:2049       running (7h)      7m ago   8h    31.3M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  ea09e2429950   nfs.nfs.2.0.ceph3.edjscz         ceph3  *:2049       running (7h)      7m ago   8h    38.3M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  dcc6fd5aa85f   node-exporter.ceph1              ceph1  *:9100       running (7h)      7m ago   4d    17.8M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  69e5d1f3e310   node-exporter.ceph2              ceph2  *:9100       running (7h)      7m ago   3d    18.3M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  cd41893212ca   node-exporter.ceph3              ceph3  *:9100       running (7h)      7m ago   3d    16.9M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  9ab2b99dabd6   osd.0                            ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    34.2M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  0c9dc80a1d74   osd.1                            ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    56.3M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  c698fa4c50c0   osd.2                            ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    44.1M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  69501861396e   osd.3                            ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    49.1M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  fa9549c63716   osd.4                            ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    36.3M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  d1fc644bd8f6   osd.5                            ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    42.7M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  ed81fef0dd1c   osd.6                            ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    31.6M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  68d0dcad316b   osd.7                            ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    29.7M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  d3dc04b1d1ff   osd.8                            ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   3d    40.7M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  13f0d2b109ff   prometheus.ceph1                 ceph1  *:9095       running (7h)      7m ago   4d     107M        -  2.18.1          de242295e225  e5fb2f5703d5   rbd-mirror.ceph1.rkchvq          ceph1               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    9223k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  e5ca469f9184   rbd-mirror.ceph2.zdhnvt          ceph2               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    8652k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  2933e22fd669   rbd-mirror.ceph3.mssyuu          ceph3               running (7h)      7m ago   8h    12.6M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  862ef07ae291   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw             ceph1  *:80         running (7h)      7m ago   9h    73.1M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  9002673bd55a   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt             ceph2  *:80         running (7h)      7m ago   9h    67.5M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  dbdddd0f10cd   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe             ceph3  *:80         running (7h)      7m ago   9h    67.5M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  b896b40ef1d8   

ingress是每个服务对应一个ingress,比如上面部署了rgw ingress,nfs也有对应的ingress,未来还会有Ceph Dashboard的ingress,现在能部署的只有rgw和nfs ingress,nfs ingress示意图如下:



编辑nfs ingress配置文件并部署。

[root@ceph1 ~]# cat nfs-ingress.yaml  service_type: ingress service_id: nfs.nfs placement:   count: 3 spec:   backend_service: nfs.nfs   virtual_ip:   frontend_port: 2050   monitor_port: 1968 [root@ceph1 ~]#ceph orch apply -i  rgw-ingress.yaml  


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS                      RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT           alertmanager               ?:9093,9094                    1/1  91s ago    4d   count:1             cephfs-mirror                                             3/3  94s ago    32m  count:3             crash                                                     3/3  94s ago    4d   *                   grafana                    ?:3000                         1/1  91s ago    4d   count:1             ingress.nfs.nfs  ,1968      6/6  94s ago    7h   count:3             ingress.rgw.rgw  ,1967      6/6  94s ago    7h   count:3             iscsi.gw                                                  3/3  94s ago    8h   ceph1;ceph2;ceph3   mds.cephfs                                                3/3  94s ago    8h   count:3             mgr                                                       2/2  94s ago    4d   count:2             mon                                                       3/5  94s ago    4d   count:5             nfs.nfs                                                   3/3  94s ago    8h   count:3             node-exporter              ?:9100                         3/3  94s ago    4d   *                   osd.all-available-devices                                9/12  94s ago    3d   *                   prometheus                 ?:9095                         1/1  91s ago    4d   count:1             rbd-mirror                                                3/3  94s ago    8h   count:3             rgw.rgw                    ?:80                           3/3  94s ago    9h   count:3         


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ps NAME                             HOST   PORTS        STATUS          REFRESHED   AGE  MEM USE  MEM LIM  VERSION         IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID   alertmanager.ceph1               ceph1  *:9093,9094  running (4m)      13s ago    3d    22.7M        -  0.20.0          0881eb8f169f  b9640288c91f   crash.ceph1                      ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago    3d    2721k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  116ff5ce3646   crash.ceph2                      ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    17.1M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  354b8903892b   crash.ceph3                      ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    7792k        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  a5c223e5362c   grafana.ceph1                    ceph1  *:3000       running (4m)      13s ago    3d    52.5M        -  6.7.4           ae5c36c3d3cd  d284162e0da4   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph1.bdmrwh     ceph1  *:2050,1968  running (64s)     13s ago   63s    5603k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  3d9c640d828e   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph2.ryaaaq     ceph2  *:2050,1968  running (61s)     29s ago   61s    6341k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  cffaa94c6c4a   haproxy.nfs.nfs.ceph3.ysfamh     ceph3  *:2050,1968  running (59s)     29s ago   59s    6353k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  0e48492c6233   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph1.nmvtig     ceph1  *:8080,1967  running (2m)      13s ago    2m    13.9M        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  5e521b875eba   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph2.bbcnso     ceph2  *:8080,1967  running (2m)      29s ago    2m    4916k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  cbd03c96a1fd   haproxy.rgw.rgw.ceph3.bcvvxl     ceph3  *:8080,1967  running (2m)      29s ago    2m    4362k        -  2.3.12-b99e499  b2284eda2221  535a37749437   iscsi.gw.ceph1.esngze            ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago   61m    49.2M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  04d1bfd141a9   iscsi.gw.ceph2.ypjkrx            ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago   61m    62.3M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  7f78b9c0deb0   iscsi.gw.ceph3.hntxjs            ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago   61m    64.5M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  2fe9bb0b7bfe   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph1.jprcvw  ceph1               running (53s)     13s ago   52s    2679k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  8e337e634255   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph2.oiynik  ceph2               running (57s)     29s ago   56s    1581k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  a6d10588190e   keepalived.nfs.nfs.ceph3.guulfc  ceph3               running (50s)     29s ago   50s    1623k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  23680bf04f55   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph1.keriqf  ceph1               running (84s)     13s ago   83s    1979k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  a11d221ae1af   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph2.gxshhg  ceph2               running (105s)    29s ago  105s    6455k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  59026981ef10   keepalived.rgw.rgw.ceph3.tqaixq  ceph3               running (67s)     29s ago   66s    1581k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  25cfdab23bfe   mds.cephfs.ceph1.ooraiz          ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago   69m    16.5M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  64246a825e21   mds.cephfs.ceph2.qfmprj          ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago   69m    19.6M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  f0faa5b9a7d5   mds.cephfs.ceph3.ifskba          ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago   69m    22.0M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  7f294af518f7   mgr.ceph1.nwbihh                 ceph1  *:9283       running (4m)      13s ago    3d     439M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  f7b2470c5797   mgr.ceph2.ednijf                 ceph2  *:8443,9283  running (4m)      29s ago    3d     412M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  e24b40d99e6d   mon.ceph1                        ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago    3d    86.0M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  9936a8b6587b   mon.ceph2                        ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago    3d     113M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  abe7eed2d100   mon.ceph3                        ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago    3d     127M    2048M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  52d747e3d011   nfs.nfs.0.0.ceph1.ufsfpf         ceph1  *:2049       running (4m)      13s ago   66m    64.5M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  fff5327b8415   nfs.nfs.1.0.ceph2.blgraz         ceph2  *:2049       running (4m)      29s ago   66m    72.0M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  ea09e2429950   nfs.nfs.2.0.ceph3.edjscz         ceph3  *:2049       running (4m)      29s ago   66m    58.7M        -  3.5             6933c2a0b7dd  dcc6fd5aa85f   node-exporter.ceph1              ceph1  *:9100       running (4m)      13s ago    3d    15.0M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  69e5d1f3e310   node-exporter.ceph2              ceph2  *:9100       running (4m)      29s ago    3d    24.0M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  cd41893212ca   node-exporter.ceph3              ceph3  *:9100       running (4m)      29s ago    3d    24.7M        -  0.18.1          e5a616e4b9cf  9ab2b99dabd6   osd.0                            ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    66.2M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  0c9dc80a1d74   osd.1                            ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    70.5M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  c698fa4c50c0   osd.2                            ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago    3d    42.4M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  69501861396e   osd.3                            ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    54.2M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  fa9549c63716   osd.4                            ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    84.9M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  d1fc644bd8f6   osd.5                            ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago    3d    36.8M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  ed81fef0dd1c   osd.6                            ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    58.6M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  68d0dcad316b   osd.7                            ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago    3d    65.3M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  d3dc04b1d1ff   osd.8                            ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago    3d    42.9M    4096M  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  13f0d2b109ff   prometheus.ceph1                 ceph1  *:9095       running (35s)     13s ago    3d     110M        -  2.18.1          de242295e225  e5fb2f5703d5   rbd-mirror.ceph1.rkchvq          ceph1               running (4m)      13s ago   58m    15.3M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  e5ca469f9184   rbd-mirror.ceph2.zdhnvt          ceph2               running (4m)      29s ago   58m    24.7M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  2933e22fd669   rbd-mirror.ceph3.mssyuu          ceph3               running (4m)      29s ago   58m    33.4M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  862ef07ae291   rgw.rgw.ceph1.lgcvfw             ceph1  *:80         running (4m)      13s ago   91m    58.0M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  9002673bd55a   rgw.rgw.ceph2.eqykjt             ceph2  *:80         running (4m)      29s ago   91m    75.6M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  dbdddd0f10cd   rgw.rgw.ceph3.eybvwe             ceph3  *:80         running (4m)      29s ago   91m    75.7M        -  16.2.5          6933c2a0b7dd  b896b40ef1d8    



# ceph log last cephadm 


#ceph orch ls --service_name=alertmanager --format yaml #ceph orch ps --service-name <service-name> --daemon-id <daemon-id> --format yaml 


ceph orch daemon restart rgw.rgw.ceph3.sfepof 


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch start mds.cephfs Scheduled to start mds.cephfs.ceph1.znbbqq on host 'ceph1' Scheduled to start mds.cephfs.ceph2.iazuaf on host 'ceph2' Scheduled to start mds.cephfs.ceph3.hjuvue on host 'ceph3' 


[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch ls NAME                       PORTS                      RUNNING  REFRESHED   AGE  PLACEMENT           alertmanager               ?:9093,9094                    1/1  18m ago     10d  count:1             cephfs-mirror                                             3/3  18m ago     2d   count:3             crash                                                     5/5  19m ago     10d  *                   grafana                    ?:3000                         1/1  18m ago     10d  count:1             ingress.mgr      ,8443      0/4  <deleting>  2h   ceph1;ceph2